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Foot doctors weigh in. Astrologically, things are messy AF thanks to Mercury retrograde… and it’s about to get even more dramatic with the full moon in Aquarius on August 19, 2024 at 2:26 p.m. EDT. With the sun moving through dramatic Leo and the moon sitting across the sky in boundary-breaking Aquarius, the cosmic tension…

Foot doctors weigh in.

Astrologically, things are messy AF thanks to Mercury retrograde… and it’s about to get even more dramatic with the full moon in Aquarius on August 19, 2024 at 2:26 p.m. EDT. With the sun moving through dramatic Leo and the moon sitting across the sky in boundary-breaking Aquarius, the cosmic tension is palpable.

Aquarius is a fixed air sign, which puts you in a more cerebral mood under these moonbeams. You may find yourself reflecting on Aquarius-related topics like your ideals, the future, the collective, and your community. Aquarius is ruled by Saturn, the planet of limitations, time, and responsibility—making a full moon in this sign a good time to have a conversation about your boundaries. Saturn is also the farthest visible planet in the sky and, as such, it’s associated with the margins and boundaries of the Universe. This energy may make you feel more called to speak up for important people and causes.

People are feeling emotionally distant, cautious, and reserved under this full moon. But this energy can be productive for having uncomfortable (but necessary!) boundary-setting conversations.

On a macro level, the sun in Leo urges you to reflect on what makes you stand out. What are your gifts? How can you leverage your talent and star power to effect change for the community and great good—as prompted by this full moon in Aquarius? In your personal life, you may experience a change in a friendship, find a new community that gives you a deeper sense of belonging, or have one of your goals and dreams start to manifest.

When is the next full moon in Aquarius?

The full moon in Aquarius takes over the skies at 2:26 p.m. EDT on August 19. This full moon will bring up topics that were emerging around the new moon in Aquarius on February 9. According to NASA, this will also be a “supermoon” (meaning that the moon is super close in its orbit to the Earth), so it will also be particularly big, bright, and easy to see.

What is the astrological meaning of a full moon?

When a full moon occurs, the sun and the moon are on opposite sides of the Earth. They also sit in opposite zodiac signs, across the sky from each other. The moon appears at its brightest, which is why astrologers associate this part of the moon’s cycle with illuminating topics or pieces of information that were previously obscured.

A full moon also marks the halfway point of the monthly lunar cycle. In astrology, it symbolizes a turning point, moment of culmination or celebration, or point of release and letting go. While a new moon is a time to set new intentions, a full moon is typically associated with those intentions materializing or coming to light.

What can you expect from the August 2024 full moon in Aquarius?

This year’s full moon in Aquarius is tough and shocking, and surrounded by some other tense planetary pairings. The full moon (which is also called the Sturgeon full moon) takes place a day after the Mercury cazimi—when the sun and Mercury retrograde meet at the same point in the sky—and it marks the halfway point of your personal Mercury retrograde story. This full moon will form a nearly exact opposition with Mercury retrograde and the sun, highlighting any major conversations or ideas that emerged the day prior. Expect some revelations or ah-ha moments.

The full moon also occurs a few hours after Mercury and the sun formed a tense square to Uranus in Taurus. Uranus’ energy will be front and center in this lunation, which can feel like an electric shock to our nervous system. This planet is unpredictable, but given the other planetary tension in the sky, it’s likely that you learn something that causes upset or experience a surprising emotional breakthrough. All the more reason to be proactive in regulating your nervous system and engaging in grounding exercises.

Uranus’ energy will be front and center in this lunation, which can feel like an electric shock to our nervous system.

The planetary ruler of this full moon is Saturn and, at the time of the full moon, Saturn in Pisces will sit across the sky from Venus in Virgo. This will add a layer of disappointment or even rejection in some of your closest relationships. This isn’t the time to profess your undying love to someone. People are feeling emotionally distant, cautious, and reserved. But this energy can be productive to have uncomfortable (but necessary!) boundary-setting conversations.

On the same day, Jupiter in Gemini rams into Saturn in Pisces. Jupiter is a planet of support and expansion, while Saturn is more restrictive and challenging. These opposing energies can deliver a reality check, especially regarding your plans and dreams. Are these dreams actually sustainable, and will they be fulfilling in the long-term? And are you taking actionable steps toward your goals, or repeating patterns that keep you stuck and stagnant? Something’s got to give and, one thing’s for sure: This full moon will force the change you’ve avoided.

To get a better idea of how this shocking full moon in Aquarius will affect you, read on for your sun, moon, and rising signs. Then, pick up a unique self-care practice to help you move through this lunation with a greater sense of ease and balance.

What will the August 2024 full moon in Aquarius bring for every zodiac sign?


Photo: W+G Creative

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